The blade of shinogi-zuri with o-gissaki, ko-choji-midari of nioi and nie, mokume-hada, unsigned; koshirae: the saya of nashiji lacquer with a band of shitan-nuri, on either side, lacquered with aoi-mon and young pine sprigs in gold takamakie; the fittings of silvered metal carved and engraved with kiri-mon, aoi-mon and young pine sprigs; the large menuki of gilt and silver aoi-mon; together with a lacquered tachi-kake, bearing a dark nashiji ground and lacquered with a ho-o flying among kiri and scattered clouds in gold takamakie with inlaid aogai details.
The blade 75.5cm (25¾in) long, the tachi-kake 65.5cm (25¾in) high. (2).
太刀 無銘(是一) 19世紀後期 附 梨子地葵桐紋松枝散蒔絵鞘刀拵 鳳凰図蒔絵太刀掛
Provenance: presented by the Emperor Meiji to the Dutch ambassador at the end of the 19th century.